For 25 years Vistaplan Financial Group has been helping medical doctors, dental professional, accountants and lawyers set up quality disability insurance contracts. Professionals are often surrounded with support staff and assistants. But by the very nature of being an professional, all or most of the income is generated by the direct and personal performance of your duties.
Disability insurance is an insurance contract that pays a monthly benefit to the insured person after you suffer a disability. Contracts that professionals qualify for have the best definitions available in the industry.
Vistaplan Financial Group is contracted with the leading companies that offer disability insurance.
A few of the features that should be considered in a quality disability insurance policy are:
To get a disability insurance quote we need to know the following:
What is your occupation? – Your profession and day to day duties.
What is your date of birth?– Your age determines the rates.
Do you smoke? – you need to let us know if you smoke and what you smoke. Having a cigarette even twice a year means we must quote you a smoker.
Monthly income benefits you want – it is recommended you have a monthly benefit that would cover between 80 and 85% of your monthly family budget.
The condition of your health, and if you are able to pass a medical – your age and the amount of coverage you need will determine the medical information required by the insurance company.
At Vistaplan Financial Group our focus is to help you understand the complexities of disability insurance.