Read the Vistaplan Financial Group blog: Universal Life Insurance, Term Insurance, Disability Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Super Visa Insurance.
Posted: Aug 31 '17
If your parents or grandparents are travelling from out of country to visit you here in Canada, Super Visa Insurance Edmonton is the fast and convenient way to ensure that they can be covered during their extended stay in Canada. We know having your family come to Canada to visit is exciting, but be sure you don’t forget the importance of having insurance so that you can all enjoy your time together. Super Visa Insurance can let you rest easy and focus on what matters.
The Canadian government introduced Super Visas as a means to reduce the backlog that existed when applying for a visa to come to Canada. A normal visa only allows for your parents and grandparents to stay for 6 months, but now parents and grandparents of permanent residents and Canadian citizens are eligible for super visas that give them the option to stay up to 2 years and are valid for up to 10 years. For you and your loved ones, the expedited process has reduced wait times and now helps to fast forward your grandparents or parents application. At the end of the two year period, you can even apply for an extension if necessary and can permit single entry or multi-entries depending on your needs.
Fulfilling the Super Visa requirements starts with Super Visa Insurance Edmonton. The main requirement for securing a super visa is to have private medical insurance or Super Visa insurance. This ensures that your grandparents or parent will be covered if they get sick or injured. Remember, before they come to Canada to visit, they need proof of at least $100,000 of coverage for each parent or grandparent that is valid for a minimum of 1 year. The proof should be submitted along with the rest of the documents that the Super Visa application process requires. Beyond these base insurance requirements, Super Visa Insurance Edmonton can create a plan suitable for parents or grandparents who are visiting from abroad.
Super Visa Insurance Edmonton will give you the comfort of knowing that your traveling loved ones will be covered during their time in Canada. Hospitalization, healthcare, and repatriation are covered. Unexpected illness, accidents and other emergency situations will no longer pose the risk of having expensive medicals bills cost you if the worst were to happen while in Canada. Super Visa Insurance Edmonton will give you the peace of mind and help you to focus on the important details associated with a visit to Canada. Having your parents and/or grandparents can be stressful to begin with and Super Visa Insurance can ensure no added stress comes from wondering if your loved ones are covered.
Super Visa Insurance Edmonton meets the criteria of the super visa application process and covers your family members while they are residing in Canada or traveling to another country during their visit. Enjoy your grandparents or parents stay in Canada by resting easy knowing that they are covered during their time here. Contact us with any questions or concerns you have about purchasing Super Visa Insurance before your parents or grandparents come visit Canada.
David is a well-respected insurance advisor with over 30 years of experience helping healthcare professionals, business owners, and their
families secure their financial futures. He takes the time to make certain his clients understand the life, disability, and health insurance
products they are purchasing, so they can make the right choices for their budgets, plans, and futures.